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Dr. Paul Farmer on How US Haiti Policy, Revealed By WikiLeaks, Undermines Democracy & Health
Dr. Paul Farmer on Post-Earthquake Haiti: "How Can We Do a Better Job?" Part 1 of 2
10 Questions For Paul Farmer | TIME
Dr. Paul Farmer on Health Crisis of Natural Disasters
"A Reflection of Growing Inequality” Dr Paul Farmer on the Deadly Ebola Outbreak in West Africa
The disconnect between need and giving after the earthquake in Haiti
60 Minutes, 11.14.10
Preview: Haiti and Cholera
Paul Farmer: I believe in health care as a human right.
Kim Ives & Dan Coughlin on WikiLeaks Cables that Reveal "Secret History" of U.S. Bullying in Haiti
St. Louis Plastic Surgeon Dr. Paul Rottler Mission in Haiti
2 Years After Earthquake, Haiti's Rebuilding Weighed Down By Legacy of Foreign Meddling